Signs of the Last Days: Technology
Revelation 13:16-17 (NASB) 16 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
The book of Revelation foretells how Antichrist will control all financial transactions with his "Mark of the Beast." The Jeremiah Project website has a fascinating overview of how these technologies may play a role in the End Times. I do not believe anyone knows exactly what the Mark is today, nor or these technologies "bad." But we do have a better appreciation of how this particular prophecy could literally come to pass.
The book of Revelation reveals that the antichrist will be able to track and control all financial transactions and that NO MAN will be able to buy or sell anything unless he has the mark.
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark of his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. - Revelation 13:16-17
Not until recent times did people understand how this prophecy could possibly come to pass. There was simply no way that anyone could control the buying and selling activities on such a large scale. Advances in computer technology have placed the world today on the verge of an identification system capable of monitoring virtually every human transaction - an ominous development for serious students of Bible prophecy.
No one knows how the mark will be imprinted on the hand or the forehead and I am not saying everything described here will necessarily become the mark of the beast. Skeptics point out that some have identified bar code labels and Social Security numbers as "the mark of the beast" in the past, and have been proven wrong. Rather, those technologies were precursors to later technologies even more powerful in the hands of the antichrist. Given rapidly evolving modern technology, if the Lord tarries a bit longer there may be some development that would fit the bill even more closely. However, there are some good candidates and numerous ways this can be accomplished today.
The AntiChrist System May Have Arrived
In the wake of events following Sept. 11, 2001, the monitoring and tracking of people have become commonplace. Indeed, Anticrhist's world government is not only believeable but seems to have arrived. The American and British minion governments have essentially eliminated personal privacy and is now collecting data and tracking its citizens in nearly everything they do. What they can't accomplish through willfull compliance or legislation, they do so illegally as President George W. Bush demonstrated during his term of office.
Modern technology has created a brave new electronic world without borders. With modern computer technology, satellites, GPS, biometric and smart card technology, people can now be tracked within 3 feet anywhere in the world. We have already demonstrated our willingness to accept devices to electronically tag or track individuals. It has become quite commonplace, for example, for law enforcement agencies to require individuals to wear electronic bracelets in order to monitor their activities.
The Real ID Act, supported by Republican politicians and backed by President Bush says that driver's licenses and other ID cards must include a digital photograph, anticounterfeiting features and undefined "machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements" that could include a magnetic strip or RFID tag. When this is implemented, American citizens without drivers' licenses that conform to the federal standards find themselves essentially stripped of their ability to participate in life as we know it. Americans cannot get a job, open a bank account, apply for Social Security or Medicare, exercise their Second Amendment rights, or even take an airplane flight, unless they can produce a state-issued ID that conforms to the federal specifications.
Bar Codes
Bar codes are everywhere: they are as familiar as a trip to buy groceries. Now part of almost every package that crosses the supermarket, drugstore, and retail counter, bar codes and other related technology stand poised to move into many other facets of society.
In their quest for better device identification, the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA are testing coding systems that pack in much more information than current bar codes. These new "two-dimensional" bar codes can squeeze in enough information to fit the Gettysburg Address into a two-inch square. This next generation of identification codes needs no centralized database. Instead, the symbol itself can contain all the necessary information, thus these codes can help companies and the military keep better track of products that "cross organizational boundaries." When the device, substance or person travels to a new warehouse, store, hospital or location, all its data go along, in compact form, accessible to anyone with a machine that can read the symbol.
"It's a portable data file," says Doug Mohr, mechanical engineer in program development at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory in Idaho Falls, who is evaluating these technologies for use by the federal government. At the Wilford Hall U.S. Air Force Medical Center in San Antonio, Tex., hospital administrators expect that within a year patients there will carry ID cards with medical histories and personal data encoded on the back. The hospital had evaluated other types of codes, including current bar codes, but discovered with the two-dimensional format that "we didn't need to tie up our database memory," says Lt. Col. Frank J. Criddle, an emergency room physician at Wilford Hall.
Miniaturized, some of these new codes can identify electronic components, jewelry or even medical devices. "It represents a giant step in component traceability," says Robert S. Anselmo, president of Veritec, Inc., in Chatsworth, Calif. He boasts that his company's symbols could fit on a grain of rice. Others say they can make their codes invisible to the eye but still readable to a scanner.
Expected to replace bar-code labels on consumer goods, RFID (radio frequency identification) is fast becoming a part of passports and payment cards. RFID chips contain unique identification codes, and can be read at varying distances with special reader devices.
Subcutaneous implant
The technology now exists and has been successfully tested to allow an identification device of some type, including a tiny microchip, to be implanted under the skin of the hand.
Programmable subcutaneous visible implants could contain biosensors to monitor temperature and blood pressure, and display these readings -- clearly a medical advancement. But the devices could have a more serious purpose. They could be used for electronic tagging. Whenever anyone wanted to buy or sell someting, he could be required to wave his hand over a scanning device that would read the chip, identify the buyer or seller, and validate or invalidate the sale.
Interval Research (Palo Alto) has patented a "programmable tattoo." The biologically inert subcutaneous implant is constructed of a flexible material so as to conform to the skin's surface. The small liquid-crystal display can be inserted just beneath the skin (e.g., in place of a wrist watch). Because human skin is partially transparent, the display is clearly visible. The implant also includes a receiver for receiving programming information from a user, and a display for displaying the programming information through the skin. The display is connected to a control chip and power comes from a small battery. Both of these are implanted beneath the skin. Implanting is an outpatient operation and the battery can be recharged inductively, by holding the wrist near a charger.
Digital Angel
The Digital Angel™ technology incorporates a microchip that can be worn close to the body and includes biosensors that can measure the biological parameters of the body and send the information with RFID (radio frequency identification) technology to a ground station or computer. It will also have an antenna that can receive signals from GPS satellites, thus pinpointing the location of the wearer.
According the the Digital Angel™ web site, "While a number of other tracking and monitoring technologies have been patented and marketed in the past, they are all unsuitable for the widespread tracking, recovery and identification of people due to a variety of limitations, including unwieldy size, maintenance requirements, insufficient or inconvenient power-supply and activation difficulties. For the first time in the history of location and monitoring technology, Digital Angel™ overcomes these limitations.
Some of it's potential uses, according the their web site includes: monitor patients by doctors, commodities supply chain management, locating people such as small children and the elderly, tracking parolees, people under house arrest, and individuals in witness protection programs, trace valuable items such as art pieces or computer equipment. Of particular interest is its application as an important security measure. It can carry personal identification information and transmit this information via wireless communication with personal computers.
Palm Beach-based Applied Digital Solutions unveiled the VeriChip immediately after the 9/11 tragedy. Similar to pet identification chips, the human VeriChip is a syringe-injectable radio frequency identification microchip that can be read from a few feet away by either a hand-held scanner or by the implantee walking through a "portal" scanner. Information can be wirelessly written to the chip, which contains a unique 10-digit identification number.
The Digital Angel human implant, called VeriChips, was recently approved by the FDA for storing medical information and the company is going forward to market their implantable chips that would provide easy access to individual medical records. (WorldNetDaily, October 21, 2004)
Applied Digital Solutions, based in Delray Beach, Fla., expressed hope that such medical uses would accelerate the acceptance of under-the-skin ID chips as security and access-control devices. (The New York Times, October 14, 2004)
All it takes is a syringe-injected microchip implant for patrons of the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain to breeze past a "reader" that recognizes their identity, credit balance and even automatically opens doors to exclusive areas of the club for them. "By simply passing by our reader, the Baja Beach Club will know who you are and what your credit balance is," Conrad K. Chase explains. (WorldNetDaily, April 14, 2004)
Iriscan technology is already being introduced in financial organizations here and abroad that require nonintrusive, noncontact, and accurate electronic identification.
Iriscan technology identifies people by analyzing the unique pattern in the iris of the human eye. The iris is the colored ring of tissue that surrounds the pupil of the eye and is a complex combination of patterns that can be recorded and stored by the computer. The iris-recognition product captures a photographic image of the iris, analyzes its unique visual structure, and then compares it to previously stored Iriscodes for authentication of identity. ["Security for Your Eyes Only," Byte, May 1998.] Imagine this technology being in place providing access control to facilities and point-of-sale control. It's already in place at some bank ATMs.
Thermogram's are a type of imagery that translates a person's heat-emitting facial features into an infrared image. Registering the various heat peaks and valleys in surface, the thermogram looks like a colorful, face-shaped topographic map. Like a fingerprint, each person's face creates a unique thermal pattern. Captured by a special infrared camera, the image can be digitized and stored in a computer. Later, the person is rephotographed and the new thermal image is electronically compared with the old. ["Smile, You're on Thermogram," ID Systems, August 1995.]
Smart Cards
The smart card - a piece of plastic with a computer chip on its face - is becoming entrenched in the United States with uses from defense and health care to retailing and transportation. It looks and acts like your average bank card, but it knows a lot more about you than you may think. The cards have replaced food stamps for many and meal tickets for students in college. Marines and peanut farmers are whipping them out for boot polish and crop reports. The Clinton Administration announced a nationwide system to use electronic banking technology to deliver billions of dollars in government benefits and President Clinton's proposed health-reform plan would have required every American to carry a health identification card bearing, at a minimum, his or her Social Security number.
For businesses, the card is a shortcut to valuable market research. With your card in its computer, a company could learn your ZIP code, shoe size, what magazines you subscribe to, or the date of your sporty sedan's last oil change, and respond accordingly. Already, the Vision marketing system for supermarkets is tailoring coupons to U.S. shoppers who use smart cards. Customers insert their Vision cards into computers at the checkout line. Then the card tracks purchases and supplies the customer with product coupons, allowing the store to collect marketing data and pitch its products more effectively.
New computerized systems are being implemented for drivers licenses. Instead of the cumbersome Polaroids, the new system will use a special camera that will store the photographic image that is on the card on a computer instead. Weight, eye color, and signature will be stored on a magnetic strip on the card as well as to a computer data base. Copies will be shared with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, giving agents quick access to photographs of suspects and victims. The KBI will share copies with other law enforcement agencies. [Dave Ranney, "Say goodbye to Polaroids next time you get your license renewed," The Wichita Eagle, April 19, 1994]
Smart card acceptance in the U.S. has skyrocketed in recent years. The Smart Card Forum, a consortium of organizations utilizing smart card technology, forecasts between 1-1.5 billion smart cards will be in use by the year 2000.
At the Smart Card Alliance 2004 annual fall conference in San Francisco, a number of sessions indicated strong growth and continuing interest in applications for contactless payment devices for fare collection in mass transit systems across the country. During the conference, Ann Flemer, deputy director of operations for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the transportation planning, coordinating and financing agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay area, gave an overview of her organization’s TransLink program, which is developing a single contactless payment system for the more than 20 transit agencies, including Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), San Francisco Municipal Railway (Muni) and Golden Gate Ferries, with 1.5 million daily users combined.
The U.S. State Department is switching over to new passports that will be fitted with chips using RFID, or radio frequency identification, technology. Reader devices at borders and customs checkpoints will be able to read the information stored on the chip, including the person's name, address and digital photo.
To increase use, card makers are forming alliances with companies that are closer to consumers. Micro Card Technologies Inc. supplies cards to Copicard Inc., which worked with the University of Calgary to convert student and staff IDs to smart cards and is doing the same at several U.S. colleges. Micro Card Vice President John Taskett said a few U.S. airlines briefly tested the smart cars for frequent flyers. Meanwhile, AT&T and Lockheed Corp. will jointly seek contracts for public highways where drivers would pay tolls with dashboard-mounted smart cards. A transmitter at the tollbooth would read the card as the car goes by.
The average American who has a dozen pieces of plastic in their pocket probably doesn't even know what a smart card is," said Nicolas Samaras, a technology analyst at Dataquest Inc. in San Jose, Calif. technology analyst at Dataquest Inc. in San Jose, Calif.
Unlike today's financial cards, the smart card doesn't need a magnetic stripe on the back. |
Instead, it's equipped with a wiry silicon chip, often displayed at left center but sometimes hidden in the plastic. (Smart cards may also have embossed account numbers, holograms, graphics and photos on the front or back.) |
Like a bank card, the smart card is slipped into a computer. Then the owner enters a four - or five-digit ID number and uses the card to make purchases, convey information, or both. |
The card can hold three pages worth of typewritten data, compared to one line of type for a magnetic-stripe card. That means several accounts could be loaded onto one smart card, said Diane R. Wetherington, president of smart card systems at American Telephone & Telegraph Co. For example, the same card that checks out library books and buys clothes on credit could give an emergency-room clerk a patient's blood type insurance data and doctor's name. Each account would have a separate ID number, so the librarian couldn't see your blood type. |
He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark of his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. [Revelation 13:16-17]
Mark of the Beast?
I do not believe that the people developing this technology are necessarily conspirators purposely developing a system they know the antichrist will use for his own wicked purposes. These are men and women who are developing what, to the natural eye, are brilliant ideas for the world's future. Nor, do I believe that today, as I am writing this piece, that the technologies I write about are NOW the mark of the Beast. Rather, I see them as being potential technologies that need be in place in order for the Antichrist to accomplish his nefarious scheme.
So, what's so bad about these technologies. They improve our lives ... right?
David Chaum, a leading cryptographer, believes that an identification-based system could lay the groundwork for a future dictatorship. As a Jew, Chaum is sensitive to the memory of how government records enabled the Nazis to systematically identify Jews. He is also concerned that competition and self-interest could be causing many decision-makers in this new technology to miss the broader social consequences of their decisions.
One critic calls them "little brother in your wallet." David Banisar of the Electronic Privacy Information Center believes that the ability to monitor every transaction an individual makes will soon be in place. While tracking single transactions may be harmless, the combined trail left behind by an identification system that tracks all financial transactions could one day become a tyrant's dream. What's wrong with having a single card that contains all of your personal history from medical files to veteran's status to tax records to your bank balance and credit available? It's convenient, portable and you have at your fingertips access to all the details of your life. It's like carrying around a little computer that has stored every piece of information about you.
The Smart Card - A Way To Control The World?
President Bill Clinton proposed a health plan where there is a provision for a national health identification card, and eventually, a state-of-the-art, tamper-proof numbering system. This probably means an implantaiton device in the head, arm or somewhere on the body. No one will receive health coverage without a number. We are also headed for a cashless society - first by credit card, and later by a laser implantation beneath the skin. The European Community has already planned for this.
Technology is sold to the public for it's beneficial aspects.
The U.S. government is already using smart cards to replace food stamps and reduce fraud. With Electronic Benefits transfer there will be an electronic audit trail for every transaction, making fraud much easier to detect and prosecute.
One concern about the smart card is privacy. Even though manufacturers are confident that accounts on the same card would remain separate, some are still unsettled that so much personal information could be stored on one little computer chip. What if the librarian could look up someone's doctor bills? And, asked Richard Civilles, program director at Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, could using smart cards as national IDs give the government more control over citizens at employment agencies or highway checkpoints? What if the government denied a job or benefits to someone based on personal tidbits gleaned from the card?
But manufacturers are optimistic that consumers will warm up to smart cards as they become more prevalent, said Amy Wight Eckel, product manager for AT&T smart cards. "It looks and feels like a credit card," she said. "People already know how to use it."
The Coming New World Order
One of the goals of the Jeremiah Project is to warn people of the New World Order and One World Government, which is being set up today. One of the methods to be used to enslave every man, woman and child on the face of the earth will be a new money system that will be introduced taking us into a "The Cashless Society". Sadly, many people today find it difficult to believe that those days will ever come or if it does how they can be hurt by it.
Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. [James 5:1-3]
The transition from the beneficial uses of technology to that of the Beast spoken of in Revelation 13 will happen quickly. Prophecy teachers have been speaking these words for many, many years. It is only just now, during your lifetime, that the prophecies are literally being fulfilled. You would be enlightened if you were to turn to the Word of God particularly the prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation and understand that these are no idle words of a mere man but these are words of the living God.
Control the World by Controlling the Food
The United Nations globalist agency located in Rome Italy, the World Agriculture and Food Organization, will soon tell farmers in the U.S.A. and around the world what and when to plant. No one will be able to buy or sell food not approved by the global organization. This is the reason why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is demanding that every farm animal—horses, cows, sheep, goats—be microchipped and tagged and that ranchers and farmers maintain exhaustive records of the birth, death, and life of each and every animal. Soon, you will not be able to own livestock or any other farm animal without obtaining a government permit.
We are now living in the "last days!"
Taken by itself, these technological signs do not prove we are now living in the last days. However, when combined with the big picture of what the Bible and the various categories of signs that the Bible predicted would come together just before the return of Christ, it's easy to conclude that we are now living in the end times. Jesus Himself gave us the best insight shortly before his execution on the cross.
"Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ, ' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.
"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. [Matthew 24:4-14]
General 'signs' Jesus said would be visible prior to His return.